Each month, Sure Healthcare awards a £200 car allowance bonus to every carer who uses their own vehicle to drive door-to-door to provide care within the community.
This is paid on top of mileage & travel time, to help towards MOT and service costs, business insurance and general maintenance. It also acts as an incentive for carers to be flexible, on time and keep a strong attendance record.
This bonus scheme was initially introduced to attract more caregivers who drive to apply for the role. However, despite Sure Healthcare paying above the national living wage, we believe it’s still a challenge for caregivers nationwide to work full time, survive a national cost of living crisis and be on top of the upkeep of their vehicle, which essentially allows them to do their job.
That’s why we’re proud to offer this incentive. We hope that the annual £2400 on offer to every single homecare worker with motoring expenses goes some way to supporting them and the community.